
torlib provide the easy way to crawl data from API in just only one function call. The current supported API is GitHub API.

GitHub Crawler

This provide the function for crawling data from GitHub API. torlib also support multiprocess (by specifying pc) to allow faster crawling by utilize all of rate limit of the API request. When the rate limit exceed, the function will wait until the rate limit reset and try sending request to the url again


torlib.crawler.github_crawler.github_crawler_multipage(savename, url, GHtoken, retry=3, pc=1, log_file='github_crawler_log.txt', output_dir='', for_test=False)[source]

crawl the github api and save file to json this function will also generate the log file that show the url of api that cannot be crawled

  • savename (list) – contain string of the save file name (need to be same length as url)

  • url (list) – contain string of url of the target api (need to be same length as savename)

  • GHtoken (list) – list of github token

  • retry (int, optional) – number of time to retry crawling the fail case. Defaults to 3.

  • pc (int, optional) – number of process for multiprocessing. Defaults to 1.

  • log_file (str, optional) – name of the log file showing the detail of fail case. Defaults to ‘github_crawler_log.txt’.

  • output_dir (str, optional) – output directory. Defaults to ‘’.

  • for_test (boolean, optional) – used for testing or not. Defaults to False.

  • LengthNotMatchError – Raised when the length of savename and url is not the same

  • InputNotStringError – Raised when not all of member in savename or url are string

  • NoTokenError – Raised when input list of github token is empty

Example Usage

import torlib.crawler.github_crawler as gc

savename = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3']
url = ['github/api/link/1', 'github/api/link/2', 'github/api/link/3']
GHtoken = ['token1','token2']

gc.github_crawler_multipage(savename, url, GHtoken, output_dir='data')

The above python code will created data/test1.json, data/test2.json, data/test3.json, and github_crawler_log.txt. The result from each of API url will be in separate json file (if successfully crawl) and stored in output_dir directory. The log will list the url and error message in log_file If there is an error when crawling the url, after trying to crawl it retry times, the url will be in log_file together with error message.

[('github/api/link/1','Connection Error')]